This study, commissioned by the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand, analyses the costs to the primary sector both at the farm gate and to the wider New Zealand economy, associated with removing nitrogen fertiliser or using a substitute. For pastoral farms this includes use of supplementary feed.
Nitrogen fertiliser is an integral component of the farming scene within New Zealand, as it is around the world. It is an important component of our farming systems, significantly aiding in the economic viability of many of those systems.
As a result, usage of nitrogenous fertilisers has been increasing over recent decades.This study analyses the value of nitrogenous fertilisers to the primary sector, both at the farm gate, and to the wider New Zealand economy.
This has been done on a 'with' versus 'without' basis across four sectors:
In all sectors the current profitability of the various farming systems was compared with a system whereby nitrogen fertiliser could not be used, and additionally compared to a system where a substitute for nitrogen fertiliser was used, e.g. supplementary feed in the pastoral systems, and compost/legume cover crops in the permanent horticultural systems.
Download the infographic here.